“Time is money,”says David. This famous saying also applies to the crane industry.
This is why operator safety aids are an essential part of modern crane usage. It has received more and more attention in recent years.
Earlier, tools such as LMI (load moment indicator) and ACD (Anti-collision director) helped crane operators, but with advanced innovations and developments, today's systems are much more complex. Modern crane operator aids offer more powerful features that help improve safety and efficiency levels.
Since Recen launched this safety monitoring system, it has been continuously updated and improved, providing smooth crane operation, touch screen operation, intuitive user guidance and advanced diagnostic functions.

The Safe Load Indicator (SLI) system has been designed to provide the essential information required to operate the machine within its design parameters. It Applied to the safety protection device for boom type hoisting machinery.
Using different sensors, the Safe Load Indicator monitors various crane functions and provides the operator with a continuous reading of the crane’ s capacity. The readings continuously change as the crane moves through the motions needed to make the lift.
The SLI provides the operator with information regarding the length and angle of the boom, working radius, rated load and the current actual load which is lifted by the crane. If non permitted lifting load are approached, the Safe Load Indicator will warn the operator by sounding and lighting alarm, And output control signal to cut off the power.With the development of wireless technology, other functional aspects of the improvement can be slowly done remotely.
Add: NO.23/24 of Level 18, Block 3 Paris International,
288 CHECHENG West Second Road,LongQuanYi District,
Chengdu City, Sichuan Province,China
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FAX: +86 28 68386569
E-mail: joy@recenchina.com
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WEB: Http://www.recenchina.com
Post time: Jan-18-2022